Why you should learn Italian if you rent an accommodation in Umbria

Why you should learn Italian if you rent an accommodation in Umbria.

Accommodation in Umbria. In Umbria you will find a lot of historical festivals. Learn Italian and understand what it´s all about Photo: Rogaia

Accommodation in Umbria. In Umbria you will find a lot of historical festivals. Learn Italian and understand what they are all about Photo: Rogaia

Look, there´s no doubt you learn Italian best using it in real life in Italy, for instance while your on vacation.

Unfortunately it´s often to late to learn Italian once you have already arrived in your holiday destination.

That is if you haven´t at least some basic knowledge.

“How do I get to my hotel? What is written on the menu? Where do I find a doctor, the local police station, a certain museum or something as banal as an ATM?”

Questions every tourist is confronted with sooner or later.

Good to learn Italian being able to make yourself understood in all these occasions.

Especially helpful and a big relief when you get into real trouble…


Therefore it is definitely recommendable to prepare for your vacation in Italy in advance and to learn Italian (at least the most important words and phrases).


Of course not everybody has the time to learn Italian taking regular classes.

Instead of this however you can learn Italian at home or on your way to work using an MP3 player or an I-pod.

With an online language course you can easily choose your personal way to learn Italian, custom tailored to your needs and wishes.


Many Italians don´t speak foreign languages well and appreciate it a lot if you speak Italian.


If you learn Italian and speak Italian at least a little, you are rewarded immediately with a completely different access to Italy and the Italians.

Often doors are opened to you which would remain closed if you don´t speak Italian.

At least you´ll understand the menu finally:-)

In any case you get more out of your vacation in Italy if you learn Italian.


P.S. By the way, don´t be afraid to speak Italian. Italians are very polite and forgiving if you make a mistake. Actually you will learn Italian also by Learning from your mistakes

P.P.S. Learn Italian easily with „Rocket Italian“, an Italian language course which is very likely one of the best Italian courses you can find. Just give it a try, you have nothing to lose. Claim your free trial here!